
Icon Props



Printed on sturdy rigid PVC material, these icon props are sure to be a winner at your next event.

The icons sizes are approximate:
Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich = 35×24
Chick-fil-A Cow = 27.75×26
Heart = 28.5×26
Chick-fil-A App = 16×26
Waffle Potato Fries = 19.5×25.75
Milkshake = 15.25×26

IceDream Cone = 15.75×28
Lemon = 23×26
Name tags = 25.75×26
Chick-fil-A Sauce = 16.25×26
Chick-fil-A Nuggets = 28×18.25
Chick-fil-A Deluxe = 26×20.75

Trophy = 22×23.5
Waffle Heart = 22×16.75
Pickles = 22×22.75
Grade A = 22×20.25
Whistle = 22×17
Conversation = 22×21.75
Cheers = 22×20.9219

Additional information

What group of prop icons would you like?

Prop Icons 1, Prop Icons 2, Prop Icons 3, Prop Icons 1 & 2, Prop Icons 1 & 3, Prop Icons 2 & 3, Pop Icons 1, 2 & 3

Welcome, we are glad you are here.

We are so excited to have the opportunity to be able to assist Operators and fellow RMDs with their print marketing needs. We hope that this site becomes a key asset to your store.

This shop is unique, as the products available are designed by actual RMDs who know what works and what doesn’t work in the store setting.  All items have been tested and previously used in a FSR before added to the site.

PRINTink (formerly CFAink) is a division of 11Sixteen, Inc. and is not operated by CFA Properties, Inc. The Chick-fil-A Stylized® and C Stylized & Design™ are trademarks of CFA Properties, Inc.